《The Great Urban Transformation》

《The Great Urban Transformation》 《The Great Urban Transformation》

  • 书名:《The Great Urban Transformation》:Politics of Land and Property in China
  • 分类:社会学
  • 作者:You-tien Hsing
  • 出版社:Oxford University Press
  • 出版年:2010-3-19
  • 售价:USD 90.00
  • 装订:Hardcover
  • 页码:256

《The Great Urban Transformation》 内容介绍:

Product Description As China is transformed, relations between society, the state, and the city have become central. The Great Urban Transformation investigates what is happening in cities, the urban edges, and the rural fringe in order to explain these relations. In the inner city of major metropolitan centers, municipal governments battle high-ranking state agencies to secure land rents from redevelopment projects, while residents mobilize to assert property and residential rights. At the urban edge, as metropolitan governments seek to extend control over their rural hinterland through massive-scale development projects, villagers strategize to profit from the encroaching property market. At the rural fringe, township leaders become brokers of power and property between the state bureaucracy and villages, while large numbers of peasants are dispossessed, dispersed, and deterritorialized, and their mobilizational capacity is consequently undermined. The Great Urban Transformation explores these issues, and provides an integrated analysis of the city and the countryside, elite politics and grassroots activism, legal-economic and socio-political issues of property rights, and the role of the state and the market in the property market. About the Author You-tien Hsing is Associate Professor of Geography at University of California at Berkeley. She is the author of Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection (1998, Oxford University Press) and co-editor (with Ching Kwan Lee) of Reclaiming Chinese Society: Politics of Redistribution, Recognition, and Representation (Forthcoming, Routledge).

作者You-tien Hsing介绍:

You-Tien Hsing Professor and Graduate Advisor PhD. UC Berkeley, 1993 Regional focus: China My reasearch and teaching has been focused on the political economy of development in East Asia, especially China. I am interested in the question of power and space. My first book, Making Captialism in China: The Taiwan Connection, focuses on the role of culture in inter-regional capital flows. In my second book, The Great Urban Tansformation: Politics of Land and Property in China, I examine the issue of territorality. I look at how the transformation of the state and the society shapes and is shaped by land battles in Chinese cities and villages. My co-edited book, Reclaiming Chinese Society, looks at China’s emerging social activism in the struggles over distribution, recognition, and representation. My current project concerns the cultural and environmental politics in Northwestern China. For my research I draw inspiration from ethnographical work: in-depth interviews and participatory observation with a reflexive perspective. I believe that theorizing starts from muddy realities. It is a process of open dialogues and self-reflections, of which the historical and the geographical, the institutional and the emotional are all indispensable parts.

《The Great Urban Transformation》 目录大纲:

Chapter 1 Land and Urban Politics
Part I Redevelopment of the Urban Core
Chapter 2 Municipal Governments, Socialist Land Masters, and Urban Land Battles
Chapter 3 Grassroots Resistance: Property Rights and Residents' Rights
Part II Expansion of the Metropolitan Region
Chapter 4 Metropolitan Governance, Real‐Estate Projects, and Capital Accumulation
Chapter 5 Village Corporatism, Real‐Estate Projects, and Territorial Autonomy
Part III Urbanization of the Rural Fringe
Chapter 6 Township Governments as Brokers of Power and Property
Chapter 7 Peasant Relocation and Deterritorialization
Chapter 8 A New Territorial Order


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