《C++ Concurrency in Action》

《C++ Concurrency in Action》 《C++ Concurrency in Action》

  • 书名:《C++ Concurrency in Action》:Practical Multithreading
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Anthony Williams
  • 出版社:Manning Publications
  • 出版年:2012-2-28
  • 售价:USD 69.99
  • 装订:Paperback
  • 页码:528

《C++ Concurrency in Action》 内容介绍:

HIGHLIGHT C++ Concurrency in Action is the first book to market to show how to take advantage of the new C++ Standard and how to write robust multi-threaded applications in C++. DESCRIPTION With the new C++ Standard and Technical Report 2 (TR2), multi-threading is coming to C++ in a big way. TR2 will provide higher-level synchronization facilities that allow for a much greater level of abstraction, and make programming multi-threaded applications simpler and safer. As a guide and reference to the new concurrency features in the upcoming C++ Standard and TR2, this book is invaluable for existing programmers familiar with writing multi-threaded code in C++ using platform-specific APIs, or in other languages, as well as C++ programmers who have never written multithreaded code before. KEY POINTS * When and when not to use concurrency * Concurrency and multi-threading in C++ * Concurrency support in the New Standard * How to improve performance with concurrency * How to manage concurrency * Problems and solutions in sharing data * Synchronization and why we need it * Memory model details


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