《Confident Ruby》

《Confident Ruby》 《Confident Ruby》

  • 书名:《Confident Ruby》:32 Patterns for Joyful Coding
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Avdi Grimm
  • 出版年:2013-10-22
  • 售价:USD 35.00
  • 装订:PDF/EPUB
  • 页码:282

《Confident Ruby》 内容介绍:

For many programmers, discovering Ruby is a revelation. They are overjoyed by how elegantly and succinctly they can state problems in the language. But then the real world creeps in, and that joy gradually wanes as the code becomes cluttered with distracting edge case scenarios, error handling, and checks for nil. Confident Ruby is a guide to recapturing the joy of writing Ruby by employing small patterns and stylistic choices to make each method tell a coherent story. Over the course of 32 patterns, you’ll learn how to isolate uncertainty at the borders of your code; how to avoid repetitive conditionals; and how to liberate your code from the chore of nil-checking. You’ll discover the four parts of a method, and how to use those parts to construct a narrative. Following along with real-world refactoring sessions, you’ll learn how to apply these lessons to legacy code. Whether you are a novice or an experienced Ruby hacker, this book will help you become a more confident and joyful programmer.

作者Avdi Grimm介绍:

Avdi Grimm has been hacking Ruby code for over 10 years, and is still loving it. He is chief aeronaut at ShipRise, head chef at RubyTapas.com, and a co-host of the Ruby Rogues podcast. He lives in southern Pennsylvania with his wife and five children.

《Confident Ruby》 目录大纲:

- Ruby meets the real world
- Confident code
- A good story, poorly told
- Code as narrative
- The four parts of a method
- 3.times { rejoice! }
- Collecting Input
Sending a strong message
- Conditionally call conversion methods
- Define your own conversion protocols
- Define conversions to user-defined types
- Use built-in conversion functions
- Use the Array() conversion function to array-ify inputs
- Define conversion functions
- Replace “string typing” with classes
- Wrap collaborators in Adapters
- Use transparent adapters to gradually introduce abstraction
- Reject unworkable values with preconditions
- Use #fetch to assert the presence of Hash keys
- Document assumptions with assertions
- Handle special cases with a Guard Clause
- Represent special cases as objects
- Represent do-nothing cases as null objects
- Substitute a benign value for =nil=
- Use #fetch for defaults
- Use symbols as placeholder objects
- Bundle arguments into parameter objects
- Yield a parameter builder object
- Receive policies instead of data
Delivering Output
- Write total functions
- Call back instead of returning
- Represent failure with a benign value
- Represent failure with a special case object
- Return a status object
- Yield a status object
- Signal early termination with =throw=
Handling Failure
- Prefer top-level rescue clause
- Use checked methods for risky operations
- Use bouncer methods
Refactoring for Confidence
- MetricFu
- Stringer
- Parting Words


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