《Ext JS 4 First Look》

《Ext JS 4 First Look》 《Ext JS 4 First Look》

  • 书名:《Ext JS 4 First Look》
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Loiane Groner
  • 出版社:Packt Publishing
  • 出版年:2012-1-30
  • 售价:USD 44.99
  • 页码:250

《Ext JS 4 First Look》 内容介绍:

A practical guide including examples of the new features in Ext JS 4 and tips to migrate from Ext JS 3. Migrate your Ext JS 3 applications easily to Ext JS 4 based on the examples presented in this guide Full of diagrams, illustrations, and step-by-step instructions to develop real word applications Driven by examples and explanations of how things work

作者Loiane Groner介绍:

Loiane Groner Loiane Groner, Brazilian (born and raised), lives in São Paulo and began her IT career developing Java web applications. While at university, she demonstrated great interested in IT. She worked as teaching assistant for two and a half years for the Algorithms, Data Structures and Computing Theory. She rpresented her university at the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest - Brazilian Finals (South America Regionals) and also worked as Student Delegate of the SBC (Brazilian Computing Society) for two years. She won a merit award in her senior year for being one of the top three students with better GPAs in the Computer Science department and also graduated with honors. After three years of Java development she got a job opportunity at IBM Brazil, where she developed Java and Ext JS applications for an American company for two years. At IBM, she became Team Leader and was reponsible for training new hires at Java, XML and Ext JS technologies. Nowadays she is working as Senior Software Engineer at Citibank Brazillian Technology Solutions Center, where she develops overseas solutions. She also works as an independent Ext JS consultant and coach. Loiane is passionate about Ext JS and Java, and she is the CampinasJUG (Campinas Java Users Group) Leader and ESJUG (Espirito Santo Java Users Group) co-ordinator, both Brazilian JUGs.


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