《GPU Pro》

《GPU Pro》 《GPU Pro》

  • 书名:《GPU Pro》:Advanced Rendering Techniques
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Wolfgang Engel
  • 出版社:AK Peters
  • 出版年:2010
  • 售价:$79.00
  • 装订:Hardcover
  • 页码:742

《GPU Pro》 内容介绍:

This new book series covers essential tools and techniques for programming the graphics processing unit. Brought to you by Wolfgang Engel and the same team of editors who made the ShaderX series a success, this volume will cover advanced rendering techniques, engine design, GPGPU techniques, related mathematical techniques, and game postmortems. A special emphasis is placed on handheld programming to account for the increased importance of graphics on mobile devices, especially the iPhone and iPod touch.

作者Wolfgang Engel介绍:

Wolfgang is the CTO & Co-Founder of Confetti Special Effects Inc. He worked for more than four years in Rockstar's core technology group as the lead graphics programmer. He is the editor of the ShaderX books, the author of several other books, and loves to talk about graphics programming. He is also a MVP DirectX since July 2006 and is active in several advisory boards in the industry.

《GPU Pro》 目录大纲:

Section 1 Mathematics
1.1 GPU Color quantization by Chi Sing Leung, Tze-Yui Ho and Yi Xiao
1.2 Visualize Your Shadow Map Techniques by Fan Zhang, Chong Zhao and Adrian Egli
Section 2 Geometry Manipulation
2.1 As-Simple-As Possible Tessellation for Interactive Applications by Tamy Boubekeur
2.2 Rule-based Geometry Synthesis in Real-time by Milan Magdics and Gergely Klar
2.3 GPU-based NURBS Geometry Evaluation and Rendering by Graham Hemingway
2.4 Polygonal-Functional Hybrids for Computer Animation and Games by D. Kravtsov, O. Fryazinov, V. Adzhiev, A. Pasko, P. Comninos
Section 3 Rendering Techniques
3.1 Quad-tree Displacement Mapping with Height Blending by Michał Drobot
3.2 NPR effects using the Geometry Shader by Pedro Hermosilla and Pere-Pau Vazquez
3.3 Alpha Blending as a Post-Process by Benjamin Hathaway
3.4 Virtual Texture Mapping 101 by Matthaus G. Chajdas, Christian Eisenacher, Marc Stamminger, Sylvain Lefebvre
3.5 Volume Decals by Emil Persson
Section 4 Global Illumination
4.1 Fast, Stencil-Based Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination by Chris Wyman, Greg Nichols and Jeremy Shopf
4.2 Screen-Space Directional Occlusion by Thorsten Grosch and Tobias Ritschel
4.3 Real-time multi-bounce ray-tracing with geometry impostors by Peter Dancsik and Laszlo Szecsi
Section 5 Image Space
5.1 Anisotropic Kuwahara Filtering on the GPU by Jan Eric Kyprianidis, Henry Kang and Jürgen Döllner
5.2 Edge Anti-aliasing by Post-Processing by Hugh Malan
5.3 Environment Mapping with Floyd-Steinberg Halftoning by Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo Szecsi, and
Anton Penzov
5.4 Hierarchical Item Buffers for Granular Occlusion Culling by Thomas Engelhardt and Carsten Dachsbacher
5.5 Realistic Depth-of-Field in Post-Production by David Illes and Peter Horvath
5.6 Real-Time Screen Space Cloud Lighting by Kaori Kubota
5.7 Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering by Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez
Section 6 Handheld Devices
6.1 Migration to OpenGL ES 2.0 by Ken Catterall
6.2 Touchscreen-based user interaction by Andrea Bizzotto
6.3 iPhone 3GS Graphics Development and Optimization Strategies by Andrew Senior
6.4 Optimizing a 3D UI Engine for Mobile Devices by Hyunwoo Ki
Section 7 Shadows
7.1 Fast Conventional Shadow Filtering by Holger Gruen
7.2 Hybrid Min-MaxPlane-Based by Holger Gruen
7.3 Shadow Mapping for Omni-Directional Light Using Tetrahedron Mapping by Hung-Chien Liao
7.4 Screen Space Soft Shadows by Jesus Gumbau, Miguel Chover and Mateu Sbert
Section 8 3D Engine Design
8.1 Multi-Fragment Effects on the GPU using Bucket Sort by Meng-Cheng Huang, Fang Liu, Xue-Hui Liu
and En-Hua Wu
8.2 Parallelized Light Pre-Pass Rendering with the Cell Broadband Engine™ by Steven Tovey and Stephen McAuley
8.3 Porting code between Direct3D9 and OpenGL 2.0 by Wojciech Sterna
8.4 Practical Thread Rendering for DirectX 9 by David Pangerl
Section 9 Game Postmortems
9.1 Stylized Rendering in Spore by Shalin Shodhan and Andrew Willmott
9.2 Rendering Techniques in Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood by Paweł Rohleder and Maciej Jamrozik
9.3 Making it large, beautiful, fast and consistent – Lessons learned developing Just Cause 2 by Emil Persson
9.4 Destructible Volumetric Terrain by Marek Rosa
Section 10 Beyond Pixels & Triangles
10.1 Parallelized Implementation of Universal Visual Computer by Tze-Yui Ho, Ping-Man Lam and Chi-Sing Leung
10.2 Accelerating Virtual Texturing using CUDA by Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Bart Pieters,
Peter Lambert, and Rik Van de Walle
10.3 Efficient Rendering of Highly Detailed Volumetric Scenes With GigaVoxels by Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Miguel Sainz, and Elmar Eisemann
10.4 Spatial Binning on the GPU by Christopher Oat, Joshua Barczak and Jeremy Shopf
10.5 Real-Time Interaction between Particles and Dynamic Mesh on GPU by Vlad Alexandrov


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