Design Club Recuit! 设计社招新!




What have youplanned for your ASA next semester?


Still wonderingwhat to choose?



Graphic DesignClub would be a superexcellent platform to show your expertise on Arts and yourpassion for design!


As a brand newclub, we have plenty of ambitious pursuits. We, however, earnestly wish that wecan do everything small but meaningful to beautify our campus as well as ourspiritual world.


It has beendecided that the club’s first objective is to design a distinctive badge foreach of the ASAs in the campus.


Our own badge(first draft) of Graphic Design Club is shown below, designed by Ryan Zheng. We’rehonored to design one such badge for each ASA. The finalized version would bein colors and build in computers, so stay tuned!


Since it consumestime and effort for us to design a badge that best fits one ASA’s identity, wedefinitely wants more people to join our Graphic Design club. Remember, we’renot only recruiting talents, but simply everyone who are interested in thefield of design and willing to contribute the very best.


After we finishdesigning all the ASA badges, we will discuss among our clubmates to seek formore demands for design in order to develop more exciting and useful ideas.


GOOD NEWS! Graphicdesign club will present you with a personalized icon—a small gift for ourfirst three club members.

最后,如果有加入我们的意向,请及早与11年级的Tony Du以及10年级的Ryan Zheng联系。我们衷心地希望你将会享受到在Graphic Design Club度过的愉悦ASA时光。让我们共同尽力让大家欣赏并喜爱我们的作品。

Lastly, if you areinterested in graphic design, please contact Tony Du from G11 or Ryan Zhengfrom G10 asap. We want you! We hope heartily that you will enjoy yourafterschool period in the Design Club. We will try our best to let everyone seeand appreciate our work as soon as possible.


Great hopes make great man, go Mustangs!

联系方式 Tony Du微信号:JiachenDu

Ryan Zheng微信号:The-Seed-From-Mars

Wechat Contact Tony Du: JiachenDu

Ryan Zheng: The-Seed-From-Mars


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