


What words or phrases are ambiguous?

前面我们了解了论证(argument)中的几个重要基本要素:issue,conclusion, reasons.


什么样的词和短语是有歧义的呢?what words and phrases are ambiguous?

l  The confusing flexibility of words


We often misunderstand what we read or hear because we presume that the meaning of words is obvious.


Ambiguity refers to the existence of multiple possible meanings for a word or phrase.

l  Locating key terms and phrases

a)   Review the issue for possible key terms 反复思考评估论题的关键词

b)  Look for crucial words or phrases within the reasons and conclusion 在原因和结论中找关键词和短语

c)   Keep an eye out for abstract words and phrases 仔细留心抽象的词或短语

d)  Use reverse role-playing to determine how someone might define certain words and phrases differently 通过角色调换来确定某人对于特定词或者短语的含义

l  Checking for ambiguity 辨别歧义

a)   Do you understand the meaning of a word?


b)  Do not assume that you and author mean the same thing


c)   Do not assume that a word has one specific meaning



l  Context and ambiguity 语境和歧义


Writers and speakers only rarely define their key terms. Thus, typically your only guide to the meaning of an ambiguous statement is the context in which the words are used. By context, we mean the writer’s or speaker’s background, traditional uses of the term within the particular controversy, and the words and statements preceding and following the possible ambiguity. All three elements provide clues to the meaning of a potential key term or phrase.

l  Ambiguity, definitions, and the dictionary


For critical evaluation of most controversial issues, synonyms and examples are inadequate. They fail to tell you the specific properties that are crucial for an unambiguous understanding of the term. Useful definitions are those that specify criteria for usage—the more specific, the better.

l  Ambiguity and loaded language

既定观点词语(Loaded Words, loaded language, loaded term)、情感性用语(emotive language)、或偏见性用语(prejudicial language),是指使用带有情感、评价意义的字词描述客观事实。例如用「野草」取代「植物」或用「野兽」取代「动物」。

Terms and phrases have both denotative and connotative meanings. The denotative meaning refers to the agreed-upon explicit descriptive referents for use of the word, the kinds of meanings we have emphasized thus far in this chapter. There is another important meaning, however, that you need to attend to. The connotative meaning is the emotional associations that we have to a term or phrase. For example the phrase “raising taxes” may have similar denotative meanings to people but each meaning triggers very different emotional reactions.

Terms that trigger strong emotional reactions are called loaded terms. Their ability to move us outweighs their descriptive meanings. Such terms make trouble for critical thinking because they short-circuit thought and trick the mind by directly contacting its emotional circuits while bypassing the descriptive meaning circuits.

l  Ambiguity and your own writing and speaking


In the solitude of writing, you must overcome the temptation to believe that a definition is self-evident. It’s easy to forget the overwhelming diversity of cultures, experiences, and ideologies, all of which add layers of meaning to words.


Because the meaning is clear to the writer , it might be difficult to identify what is unclear to the reader.

a)   Effective writers strive for clarity. 有效率的作者努力清晰。

b)  During your initial research, we urged you to immerse yourself in the ongoing discussion of your issue in popular and academic publications.


c)   Writing need not be a completely solitary activity. 写作不必是完全封闭。

与你的朋友同学去分享你的结论和理由,鼓励他们提问,观察他们是否运用了与你不同的词句含义。Our last suggestion to avoid presuming your key terms are obvious is to start a dialogue. Share your conclusion and reasons with others, such as friends and classmates. Encourage them to ask questions. Observe whether they use the term in a manner significantly different than you do.


When you fear ambiguity of expression, carefully define your terms.

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