


 “世纪新贵” 源自英国贝拉斯1869

英国贝拉斯英国著名的家具制造企业之一,以再现原味的古堡家具及宫廷家具而享誉整个欧洲。“世纪新贵” 是英国贝拉斯家具品牌之中的一朵绚丽奇葩,以彰显原味英式贵族庄园家具、阐释纯正的高雅与圣洁而倍受青睐,其早期风格形成于英国工艺美术运动的顶峰时期即1869年 Century new rich "is a brilliant wonderful work of British bellas furniture brand, as a way of showing plain English aristocrat garden furniture, interpretation of the pure elegance and purity and popularity, his early style formed in the British arts and crafts movement of the peak in 1869




精雕细琢 力求极致

Crafted seek the ultimate

顶级工匠大师纯手工雕刻制作,极致的工艺打磨技巧,每一处都彰显独特艺术及精雕工艺 The country's top master craftsmen hand-carved production, the ultimate grinding process skills. Everywhere are carved highlight the unique arts and crafts

荣誉证书 国际认证

Certificates of international

世纪新贵家具拥有专业规模化的生产线,年生产能力达1.5亿元,严格按照国际标准选用材料,工艺先进,用料考究,世纪新贵家具主原料油漆:美国威仕伯油漆(世界五百强之一)木材:进口巴西花梨木五金:世界知名品牌,英国贝拉斯高档家具五金公司建立了严格的质量检验体系,强调精益求精,注重精、细、美产品通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证、ISO 14001环保认证因为用心,所以世纪新贵品牌知名度大幅上扬,客户满意度不断攀升 Upstart century furniture with professional-scale production lines with annual production capacity of 150 million yuan, in strict accordance with international standards selection of materials, advanced technology, sophisticated materials


Canova series classic

世纪新贵家具秉承了欧洲文艺复兴后经典的欧式艺术家具的文化传统,凸现巴洛克、后现代主义、卡诺瓦新古典主义风格的精华、再创欧洲艺术家具经典,为现代家居凭添了一份悠古的情怀、重温了法国式的浪漫 Upstart century furniture uphold cultural traditions of Europe after the classic European art of the Renaissance furniture, highlighting the Baroque, post-modernism, neo-classical style Canova essence, a new classical European art furniture for the modern home tales of a Yau ancient feelings, relive the French romantic


katia series Classic style

卡蒂雅新古典风格 有宫廷和田园两种,其中宫廷气息浓郁的家具秉承了欧式家具惯有的奢华和繁琐,强调“高雅华贵”设计理念,尽显英式古典实木家具的优雅灵动,给人沉稳典雅的感觉。极致优雅的花纹雕琢,雕工细腻,生动传神,图案流畅均匀,雕镂张弛有道,华丽而不累赘。无论是在细处还是整体,都展现了一种外露而不夸张的美。既是艺术精髓的结晶,又是一种舒适生活质量的象征 Ka Diya neoclassical style palace and garden there are two, in which the court atmosphere rich furniture adhering to the usual luxury European furniture and cumbersome, stressing that "elegant and luxurious" design concept, a full English-style classic wood furniture, elegant Smart, to people feel calm and elegant


balas series Earl Fashion

传承欧洲贵族古典尊贵的艺术魅力,中塑传世经典的玫丽宏伟,精雕细琢,集工艺与艺术一身,重现欧洲宫廷的奢华尊贵 Classical heritage of European aristocracy distinguished artistic charm, the plastic classics of Mei Li grand, crafted

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