


当地时间12月5日 , 2016年透纳奖(Turner Prize)颁出,得主为31岁的海伦·马尔滕(Helen Marten),她凭借第56届威尼斯双年展的国际展上的作品《月亮模坯》(Lunar Nibs)以及纽约个展《桉树,让我们进去吧》(Eucalyptus, Let Us In)被提名。她的雕塑和装置往往由自然艺术品和手工艺品组合而成——两者经常难以区分,以唤起当代文化中的视觉垃圾的觉醒。作品呈现出稠密、垂直的平面呼应着水平的形状,表现出像油画画面一般的构图。她还获得了今年英国首个雕塑专项奖赫浦沃斯奖(Hepworth Prize),这也是这位年轻艺术家在本月获得的第二个重要奖项。作家本·奥克利(Ben Okri)在泰特不列颠美术馆(Tate Britain)将2.5万英镑的奖金颁给了她。


图片来源:Eddie Keogh/Reuters








原文:《Discover the work of 2016 Turner Prize winner Helen Marten》

Helen Marten uses sculpture, screen printing and her own writing to produce installations that are full of references, from the contemporary to the historical, and the everyday to the enigmatic. For the Turner Prize she brings together a range of handmade and found objects drawn from daily life and more unusual sources (including cotton buds, coins, shoe soles, limes, marbles, eggs, snooker chalk and snakeskin). Her collage-like gatherings of objects and images have a playful intent, creating poetic visual puzzles that seem to invite us into a game or riddle.

Marten’s exhibition space is divided into three sections. Each suggests a workstation or terminal where some unknown human activity has been interrupted. When we encounter her installations, it is as if Marten asks us to become archaeologists of our own times, and to consider familiar items as if we are seeing them for the first time. In the process, these objects may become strange and abstract - ‘husked down’, Marten says, ‘to geometric memories of themselves’, that can be remodelled to give rise to new and unexpected stories or ideas.

Marten encourages us to look very closely at the items she makes and the materials she uses, and to reconsider the images and objects we surround ourselves with in the modern world.

Helen Marten was born in 1985 in Macclesfield. She lives and works in London.


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