




A friend who knew the Qingyuan and Yushan cliff banyans told me that the rocks they grew on were not just any rock but the hardest granite. So banyans are one of the toughest life forms, able to grow even on the toughest rock.


He also told me that this miracle of life germinated from a tiny, hard seed. The banyan’s small, pearl-like fruit encases a number of such tiny seeds. Perhaps a naughty bird, having swallowed a fruit, chose this wonderful spot to excrete the seeds it was unable to digest. One seed, the life the bird could not digest, sprouted quietly in the thin layer of dust accumulated on the rock and grew ambitiously into a huge, verdant tree.


I could see no other signs of life on the rock on closer scrutiny. There might have been a few blades of grass in the crack out of my sight. The rock was truly no place for a life to exist and develop.


In a place where existence was difficult, the banyan grew into a great life. It grew to be a huge, tall tree, admired by other lives.


This is indeed a marvelous march of life.



Since I come from the banyan’s home, I am aware of the extraordinary melody of its march of life.


I experienced it while cutting wood one day, when I innocently chopped down a banyan branch which I thought had withered. But it was not dead, and the moment I brought down my axe, milky sap spurted out, not its milk but its blood, a milky spring of life that at all events covered and congealed on the wound so quickly that its healing was guaranteed.


I marveled at this spring of life which was so resolute and alert and did its duty so rapidly. No wonder the banyan heals its wounds so quickly and continues on its verdant career.


I saw one densely scarred banyan still growing vigorously, its every leaf azure-green, glittering like a tree of emeralds in the sun. How many relentless slashes had the weather-beaten tree healed to be able to achieve such a prosperous life!


I was once in a violent storm which shook the area, a storm aided by thunder and lightning. Yet the banyan tree’s steel-like trunk stood its ground calmly and at ease, as its branches swayed and broke. After the storm, the broken branches on the ground struck root and the withered leaves recovered their greenness. The life detached from its parent did not die of hunger but developed into a new mother-body.


I also witnessed another even more stirring display of life. One banyan was uprooted in a devastating storm, and a miracle occurred. The uprooted tree, instead of declining towards death, breathed on stubbornly in its prostrate position, carrying on its life on a different path. Half of its jumbled roots were uncovered. The other half, under the ground, shouldered the entire duty of life, continuing to play the march of life bravely. I saw new sprouts erupting from the prostrate body, growing into new branches and leaves. Youth continued in this suffering life; melodies continued to play in the upturned instrument. The year I left home a young man, I could still see the unbending victory of the prostrate life.


The miracle of the regeneration of a prostrate life with an unbowed soul, the strength to win a victory after defeat by a storm, brought home to me the fact that a truly great life never dies. Though cast into hell, it continues to sing in the bosom of mother earth.



My thoughts often return to the banyan trees which are the soul of my home.


My thoughts often return to the banyan trees which are the march of life of my home.


I light a stick of incense in my heart and wish that this great song of life may sing forever in the beautiful land of my home, often entering my heart and my soul and all the hearts and souls that I love. I wish all upright hearts a magnificent song, a heroic march and a tree of countless green butterflies, a banyan tree.

(Yu Fanqin 译)



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