《U2 by U2》

《U2 by U2》 《U2 by U2》

  • 书名:《U2 by U2》
  • 分类:音乐
  • 作者:Neil McCormick
  • 出版社:HarperCollins Publishers
  • 出版年:2006-9
  • 售价:290.00元
  • 装订:平装
  • 页码:345

《U2 by U2》 内容介绍:

"I always thought the job was to be as great as you could be." -- Bono. This is the story of U2, in their own words and pictures. It is the only authorised, fully comprehensive guide to the biggest band in the world. Told with wit, insight and astonishing candour by the band themselves and manager Paul McGuinness, with pictures from their own archives, 'U2 By U2' allows unprecedented access into the inner life of the greatest rock band of our times. Bad haircuts, worse hangovers, prayer meetings and wild parties, encounters with presidents and popes, intimate accounts of the creation of all their classic songs, it is all here in a beautifully-presented book overseen by the band with the same passion for substance, style and immaculate attention to details familiar from their musical career. "We wore it as a stubborn badge of pride that we weren't prepared to fall into line with every other group and take the fashionable stance of the day. We were uncool because we were hot, we just erupted as a live band." -- The Edge In 1975, four teenagers from Mount Temple School in Dublin gathered in a crowded kitchen to discuss forming a band. The drum kit just about fit into the room, the lead guitarist was playing a homemade guitar, the bassist could barely play at all and nobody wanted to be the singer. Over thirty years later, Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jnr are still together, bound by intense loyalty, passionate idealism and a relentless belief in the power of rock and roll to change the world. "We are trying to pin down something elusive, something that represents where we are, emotionally, physically, spiritually, but is also fresh and exciting. If it is not absolutely the best it can be, then why bother?" -- Adam Clayton "I have read a lot of rubbish about U2. Whenever I see us described in some mythic sense as masters of our own destiny, it makes me laugh. Being in U2 is more like riding a runaway train. We are just ordinary guys, hanging on to this thing for our lives." -- Larry Mullen Jnr

作者Neil McCormick介绍:

U2 is one of the most successful and innovative groups of the last two decades. The members are Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr. Together, they have sold more than 100 million records around the globe and are consistently featured in the best albums of all time. They are also involved in many charities including Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Drop the Debt, and the Chernobyl Children's Project.

《U2 by U2》 目录大纲:

In 1975, four teenagers from Mount Temple School in Dublin gathered in a crowded kitchen to discuss forming a band. The drum kit just about fit into the room, the lead guitarist was playing a homemade guitar, the bassist could barely play at all and nobody wanted to sing. Over thirty years later, Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr. are still together, bound by intense loyalty, passionate idealism and a relentless belief in the power of rock and roll to change the world. Watch a video introduction to U2 by U2 In a epic journey that has taken them from the clubs of Dublin to the stadiums of the world, U2 have sold over 130 million albums, been number one all over the world, revolutionized live performance, spearheaded political campaigns and made music that defines the age we live in. From the anarchic days of their Seventies punk origins through their Eighties ascent to superstardom with the epic rock of The Joshua Tree, the dark post-modern ironies of Achtung Baby in the Nineties and their 21st-Century resurgence as rock's biggest and boldest band, this is a tale of faith, love, drama, family, birth, death, survival, conflict, crises, creativity . . . and a lot of laughter. Told with wit, insight and astonishing candour by the band themselves and manager Paul McGuinness, with pictures from their own archives, U2 by U2 allows unprecedented access into the inner life of the greatest rock band of our times. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


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